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Previous Year Bank PO paper Quantitative Aptitude Questions

Previous Year Bank PO paper Quantitative Aptitude Questions

Directions—(Q. 1–5) What will come in place of question-mark (?) in the following questions ?
01. (0·7)2 ÷ (0·343) = (0·7)? ÷ (0·49)3

(A) 3   (B) 6   (C) 7   (D) 4   (E) None of these

02. 1575 ÷ 21 ÷ 5 = (?)1/2 × 6

(A) 6·25         (B) (2·5)1/2     (C) 62·5         (D) 2·5                       (E) None of these
03. 5·6 × 12·5 ÷ 0·5 + 15·5 = ? + 49·5

(A) 106                      (B) 110                      (C) 120                       (D) 156                      (E) None of these

04. (  (?)1/2 1) 2 = 8 – 281/2

(A) 6               (B) 4               (C) 9               (D) 7               (E) None of these

05. 32·5 × 26% of 450 ÷ 3 – 745·5 = ?

(A) 542                      (B) 522                      (C) 632                       (D) 612                      (E) None of these

1.     E
2.     A
3.     A
4.     D
5.     B

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